Product Description
Vital X Oriental is a new and innovative dietary supplement specifically made to help people of Oriental ancestry, metabolise alcohol more efficiently.
About 50% of people with Asian ancestry are deficient in the enzyme ALDH that limits the formation of aldehyde dehydrogenase, resulting in a build up of acetaldehyde which results in flushes or blotches known as Asian Flush.
Alcohol is metabolised in two steps;
(1) Conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde by enzyme ADH (Alcohol dehydrogenase)
(2) Conversion of acetaldehyde to acetic acid by enzyme ALDH (Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase)
Vital X Oriental works by supporting and assisting the body to help metabolise alcohol efficiently.
A 2009 paper, The Alcohol Flushing Response discusses the phenomenon in detail.
The article in NBC News Health Dec 2010 also discusses Asian Flush.